Wood Furniture Repair – Broken Chair Leg

Furniture repair after a busy holiday season is common. Lots of guests, family dinners, and out-of-town visitors means accidents can happen. A broken table leg or a watermark left on your dining table are typical of the repairs we see in the workshop this time of year.

 This beautiful chair was a holiday casualty. Solid wood furniture is very study but mistakes happen. Seems someone stepped on the frame of this chair and, snap, it broke. Fortunately, the broken pieces were saved and the chair could be returned to its former glory.

 Gluing, sanding and finally a touch up with custom matched stain, returned this special chair back home and waiting for the next holiday gathering! The integrity of the chair remains intact and its beauty restored.

Hopefully your holiday celebrations left you with no furniture in need of repair. But if January brings a repair project that got pushed to the side last year, contact us. How can we help you?

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Above: The broken wood pieces were saved and a successful seamless repair was completed. (see below)

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